Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

Mom's favorite

I was on assignment for the Tri-city Record shooting winter fun. I did not use this shot but my mom and I love it! So I decided to share it with all of you.

~Snowy photojournalist
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

One week after the fire...

We heard more sirens this morning and wondered about it. Then Dad called and told me that I could get some great shots of the wreck from the overpass. Suzanne and I ran out the really is an adrenaline rush. I took pictures until I got yelled at and then I came home to email them to the papers. We shall see what happens. More to come...

~the photojournalist
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

More from Satrday

I enjoyed being out in the sun so much! I actually don't go to the beach all that often in the summer, this off season thing works for me!
No Lifeguard! No kidding!
Stroll down the beach anyone?

Lighthouse through a tree.
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Saturday, February 16, 2008

The coolest ice ever

So I made it out to the lighthouse in the winter. See I normally don't make it because it is so cold. That is the point. I guess I can't have it both ways.
I waited for this shot. There were so many people getting in my way! So glad I have a telephoto lens. :)
How cool is that reflection?!
Notice the the man giving my image perspective. My parents would seriously be very upset if I came home with his images. I grew up here and know that it is amazingly dangerous to be out where he is. I was a good girl and stayed within the railings.

It felt incredible to be out in the fresh air and sunshine. I think I will go back on a weekday...maybe the beach will be less crowded with photographers, adventure seekers, and clueless tourists.

~the photographer
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Thursday, February 14, 2008

My work has been published!!!

This picture was published in this morning's Herald-Palladium (our local daily paper)!
I am so excited it was on the front page of the Local section in color and 5 columns wide!
The best part is that I will be receiving some pay for their use of it!

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!
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Small town, Big fire

Okay so now I shall tell you what happened. Yesterday morning while I was getting ready for the day I heard sirens. Lots of sirens. Our first guess was an accident on the interstate based on the huge snowflakes coming down and the fact that we have a lot of accidents near our exit. Then we heard more sirens and dad saw the Watervliet fire trucks headed into town. Next guess: FIRE! A little later I got a call from my brother letting us know that it was a banquet hall burning right in the middle of town. To go or not to go? I like this kind of photojournalism but I am not real gusty. I didn't want to make anyone irritated or get in trouble for being too close. Well pictures won out and I grabbed my camera and Suzanne and I headed down the hill.
Upon arriving in town I parked at the post office...farther away then really neccessary and walked down the street with my zoom lens ready. As I inched closer and closer...with a running commentary of how I thought if we just go over there no one will care...I began to snap some shots. Not very good ones considering you couldn't really see the damage! Then our big break came, the guy blocking traffic waved us over and basically told me to get some good shots! There are distinct advantages of being a small town girl with a highly visible hardworking family. (everyone recognizes us!)
So we walked closer and closer. It is hard to get good images with so much snow and smoke and gray! Some of the fire fighters looked at me a little strange but no one asked me what I was doing there. I guess that became obvious as i lifted my camera. I walked all around and then high-tailed it out of there as Suzanne and I were late for shovelling!

Once we got home I immediately loaded my images and called 2 local papers. I was not that pleased with my images but I am so proud of myself for being bold enough to make those calls. One paper gave me an email addy and told me they might use them...depending. The other paper had already been there before me and said he would look at mine but probably use his own. I sent them each about 11 images. Then we had to wait...
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One of our awesome Coloma plow trucks. Let me tell you, our City works guys do an incredible job...they work so hard to keep on top of all that lake effect snow.
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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Morning Excitement

Can you guess what I did this morning? That's right I chased fire engines at break neck speeds just to get this picture! Ok...not really. I did take this picture though. I was trying to make a big post with lots (like 15) images but I can't figure it out and I don't really have time to keep messing with it. (If anyone can give me guidance i would appreciate it). I shall try and post and do my storytelling tomorrow. Don't you just love how this fire truck looks in black and white?

~the local photojournalist
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Monday, February 11, 2008

Walking down the hill

I often refer to "walking down the hill". You see Coloma is in a valley with a hill on either side. We live on the top of the hill so when we go to shovel at the library (in the valley) we walk down the hill. These are the footprints of the shovellers on their way into town.
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Around Town

I know i haven't been posting much. Just imagine a life full of ice, snow, lake effect snow, shoveling, cleaning houses, laundry and cleaning.
Last week we had rain and then snow...put together that equals ice! Anyway we had gone and shoveled the library in the morning but we needed to go again. Now you are about to hear a conversation that mom and I have about once a year. I say I do not want to go shoveling this time (do not get the wrong idea...I have been faithful about shoveling but I was in the middle of something). Mom leaves. Phone rings...its mom. "Christina you should see the snow! It is so beautiful down here by the funeral home. You should get out your camera and take pictures." We get off the phone without a commitment from me. Cell phone rings...its mom. "Down here by the ravine is gorgeous! Oh and look at Ender's! It has cleared up for now (she then assumes I am on my way down the hill to capture all of this magnificent beauty. It crosses my mind that if I had just gone shovelling I would have been paid) I bundle up and head out the door. By the time I get down the hill I am protecting my camera from the cold inside my coat and huge wet snowflakes are faling rapidly all around me. When I get home mom says "It started snowing again" Thanks mom!
While I was out I decided to make the best of it and snap some winter shots of Coloma. I also walked home a different way and stopped by a shop I had never been to. It was good exercise.
I have seen this old building so many times I would not even begin to guess a number. But that day it dawned on me what a cool backdrop for portraits it would be! and right down the road from my house. I am so excited...I think I shall take spring portraits of Brandi down there. :)
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Thursday, February 7, 2008


Is spinning around and around. I feel like I am on a merry go round! Fleeting moments our passing by at "break neck" speeds.
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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

This is...

...rain, sleet, hail, snow, and freezing tempertures on our brick driveway. It has been a nasty far as the weather is concered!
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