Monday, March 31, 2008


Every year I am amazed. Every year I am thrilled and encouraged. Every year I wait and watch with a joyful heart. Because every year the flower bulbs puch there way through the soil ready to put on yet another show. Every year. Without fail.
Planting in the fall may seem like an extra useless chore to get ready for winter but it is an investment. For every bulb planted joyful flower will greet us for many springs to come.
More pictures to come as the rains come down, the sun comes up, and the beautiful show goes on!

~happy springtime girl
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Sunday, March 30, 2008

From my hard drive

I was desperately searching for a file on my external hard drive (eventually found in my recycle bin, PTL!) when I came across this shot. Thought it was pretty neat.

~your busy reporter, Creative Memories Consultant, Photographer, Stay at home daughter, laundry girl, Grandma helper, and the list goes on

Friday, March 28, 2008

I am a procrstinator

Does anyone else struggle with extreme procrastination? What do you do to combat it? I am "killing" far too much time. There are things that I know need to be done but I just keep putting them off. Kind of like right now...I have a list of things to do and I am writing about procrastination on my blog! Ei yi yi!

~local investigative reporter
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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Eggs... keep refigerated?
Even though I don't really believe in Easter Egg hunts I went to two this year on assignment for the Tri-City Record. This one was last night because on Saturday we had a foot of snow and they postponed it.
I know these pictures aren't earth shattering but I thought the empty Easter Eggs in a reall egg box was pretty funny.
Very colorful!
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A few more from Easter

Grandma and Abby
Fleeting moment with Reagan showing off her Easter bonnet to Great-Grandma
Two of my wonderful siblings between their "goofywewillnotcooperatewithChristina" faces
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I actually used some of my learned skills in Photoshop Elements. I have barely opened it since I bought it and used it since I took a class in the fall. This time though, I decided to try and get rid of the baby's snotty nose. I am pretty happy with the results. What do you think?
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Monday, March 24, 2008

The love of her life

My cousin with her niece
She wanted a picture to put in a frame she has
So we did our best in snatched moments before our wonderful Easter dinner
I hope she likes them!
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Spring was here...for a minute!

Last week I was excited when the first day of spring dawned so bright and sunny! I am finding that I have quite a need for sunshine to get the winter cobwebs out of my brain. I cannot wait until I can pack away my wool sweaters, heavy, coats and flannel bedding. I am so tired of all of the brown when I look out of my windows. Come fall I will be delighted to unpack it all again but right now I am looking forward to summer skirts and bright tops, my beautiful quilts and cheerful flowers. It will be thrilling to watch (and take pictures of) the bulbs growing and beginning to bloom! Blossomtime will soon be upon us and my camera and I are ready. Fresh fruit will follow and I am ready...ready ready.

The second day of spring did not see the spring sunshine at all here in the midwest. Indeed we got so much snow we had to shovel the library more then once. It snowed and snowed hard. by Saturday morning we were again socked in. Holy week services and activities were cancelled or post poned. The sun did return later and began to melt this cold stuff.

In other news:
The effective Communication course did not get enough registrants and it was cancelled. I was a bit bummed but I now can focus on other opportunities.

Maybe I will post a few Easter pictures today. :)
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Monday, March 17, 2008

My life...currently

I know that anyone who happens to read my blog probably think that I have abandoned it. That is not true. Lately though, many of the pictures I have taken have been for the newspaper and therefore I am not really supposed to post them. That and the fact that I put my other images on my harddrives instead of keeping them on my laptop and they are not as easy to access.

I am now writing for the paper as well as taking pictures. I am what is known as a stringer...pretty much the same as freelance. I even covered the Coloma City Commission meeting. It was the first time I had ever been to a meeting like that I and I was a nervous mess. I did however discover that I would really enjoy those types of meetings if I wasn't so stressed out about reporting it. I have another one next week so I guess the practice will help me to improve and relax.

If someone ever asks you to take pictures of a lighted parade. You should say no. Okay, not neccessarily but you need to be a better photographer then I am. I have probably mentioned before that I do not like to use flash. I learned this weekend that my dislike has put me at a large dissadvantage. I failed to practice with my flash and then when it was time to use it I did not do a very good job. I struggled with a assignments all weekend long and got some of the worst images I have taken in years. I am over it now and have turned in my assignments.

In two weeks I am going to be flying to Dallas Texas. This time though, my trip will not be focused on photography. I am so excited to be attending Effective Communication. This is a course that focuses on writing and public speaking. They are in need of some more attendees so if this is something that might interest you please look into it right away. You can get more information at

Would love to hear from some of my blogging friends. How is your life...currently?

~blessed every minute, Christina
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