Saturday, December 29, 2007

Success-in the Bible

The definitions I already posted on success are from the world's point of view. In the Bible the word success is actually only used one time. I know isn't that interesting?

"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."

Joshua 1:8

I don't know about you but I am very intrigued by studying stuff like this. I want to live focused on the biblical definition of success and not get caught up in a social status, ect.
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Friday, December 28, 2007


When I looked up the word success on wikipedia it came up with the following definitions:

-a social status
-the achievement of an objective/goal
-the opposite of failure
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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

How do you measure Success?

I am right now studying success and I have come to the realization that I am thinking of success from a worldly point of view. I want to see success from God's point of view. So how do you measure success? Do you consider yourself successful? I am currently studying this topic, possibly more to come.
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Christmas with friends

When we got snowed in last week with our dear friends we celebrated Christmas early with them. They are so dear to us and we wnated to remember each family member in a special way during this season of giving. These pictures may not be spectacular but each person was so grateful their gift that I wanted to post them anyway. I don't really have any pictures of our "family" Christmas at home becasue I just wanted to be part of everything...not an observer. So these will have to do.
Jeff: I knew he wanted to read this book so when it went on sale I snatched. it up
RoxAnne Loves candles...this is the best candle I could get!
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Andrew was so grateful and excited with the clothes we got him. It was a real blessing.
Not a good picture I know but I couldn't not include David.
Hopefully Jeffery will be able to find some siblings to play his new game with him.
Mom made Autumn some lace. Mom told us to tell her it was like a snowflake, there will never be another one like it.
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RuthAnne: Suzanne crocheted her a doll blanket
Esther: Suzanne made her a doll blanket as well. It is made with the same yarn as her blanket that mom made a few years ago.
Isaish: Suzanne crocheted him a scarf to match his blanket and we gave him samples of Good and Evil.
Ashley was excited to get some coloring books of Bible stories.
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

I don't feel like I have a good image to portray Christmas and what it means so I decided against a picture when that is really how I communicate best. Just know that I am wishing you all the peace that only Christ can provide.

With Love,
Christina Elizabeth

My hair Stinks!

Ok so now with a headline like that you are all thinking "it is Christmas and she says her hair stinks, what is she talking about?" Well let me tell you...last night I got to spend Christmas Eve with the Stovers and all the people who work on the farm. I enjoyed it and it was lovely to see everyone. Anyway I got there early and was helping set up some while I chatted away with June, Ken and Kenny.

I leaned up against a countertop and was happily standing there when all of the sudden I heard a distinct whoosh and smelled that awful smell. Impossible as this might sound I actually felt like I saw the flames at that moment. Yes, the whole back of my hair went up in flames! *Note: I had thought "I so rarely leave my hair down at the barn this will be a nice change" and for those of you who don't know my hair is below my waist.

Anyway, Kenny, who was across the island from me saw the flames at the exact same time and made it around the island in record breaking time. I stepped away from the counter, waved my arms and screamed :). June and Kenny just hit my back until the flames were all out, which was very quickly. My hair had bits of char and hair falling out of it and Kenny vaccuumed it up. The more June asked if I was alright the shakier I got.

Yes, I still have a lot of beautiful long hair, just not as much on the top. My sweater did not even get singed. All night long jokes were made about my hair catching on fire and I will probably never live it down. Every time I turned my head I got a wif of that terrible smell. I came home and washed it, treated it with special conditioner and brushed it all out. Gobs of hair came out! But it still smells! Yuck.

Praise the Lord for his Protection!!

Sorry there is no picture. Kenny thought I should "freak out" again so they could snap one and then we could photoshop flames in behind me but we didn't actually do it!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Why... laying in the snow so appealing? Don't get me wrong I was doing it too but it doesn't make much sense when I actually think about it.
And why are there no comments on this blog? Hello, has anyone been reading it?
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Saturday, December 22, 2007


Who wants a bite of these delicious treats?
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Friday, December 21, 2007

Pictures of...ME!

These are rare indeed so enjoy. Me and Ashley...picture by Autumn.
Trying to make a snow angel...too bad I couldn't get up gracefully.
View of my boots...I was a little bored.
Self Portrait.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Jeffery and Isaiah
Autumn Noel
Five out of eight, may they continue to grow and love each other. These children are all very precious to Suzanne and I, we love them all very much.
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So many favorites..

My absolute, "this is so cute" picture. I love this shot! So does their mother...
Isaiah-miracle child
So sweet
Suzanne with some of our charges.
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Sweet sisters-Esther and RuthAnne
Esther-So beautiful and yet so strong willed, its amazing
Ashley-"take a picture of me"
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Snow Day

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