Saturday, March 21, 2009

Life as it is being planned

I guess that it is way past time to update my blog. Life has been crazy busy...what can I say.
Last night I was shooting the lighted St. Patrick's Day parade in town for the paper but when I saw this shot I knew I would have to share it. I love the drama it displays. To me it is creative and artistic. This is straight out of the camera actually and it was very dark when I shot it. Sometimes settings just come together.

Back to my business and excuses. I really don't have any good ones. Excuses, that is. I have come to a point in my life where I have to make decisions. Instead of just going with the flow and taking opportunities as they come I need to be focused and purposeful in the things I do. It is a learning experience for sure. Always in the past I have simply waited for jobs and helped out where needed as needed. This year I had to decide where I was going to spend my time and energy as I cannot do everything. So the focus is going to be mostly on farm work. For several reasons...not the least of which is the fact that I love it...I am going back to Stovers. This year I will hopefully have more consistent and structured hours and I am starting at the very beginning of the season. That is something I have never done and seems quite novel at the moment. I am also going to be working hard helping another friend of mine with some farming efforts as well as growing gladiolus with my sister.
As far as photography goes new equipment purchases are being put on hold. I am still trying to improve my skills but I have decided that taking on weddings and such is not where I am headed at this point. I am hoping to fit in some portrait jobs this spring, summer, and fall but I will not be setting up a studio or anything like that. I will use "on location" jobs to supplement my income and continue my learning.
The paper is not something I love completely but there are many aspects of it that I enjoy. I would like to keep on with about the same workload as I have now so as not to burn that bridge. I have a few larger assignments coming up and I am sure those will be fun and stressful. I do need to learn how to better schedule my time so that I am more efficient about completing assignments...and not being up until 2 am every Monday!
So there you have it. I may or may not be able to post during this coming farm season because those are my "work" priorities. Add to the top of that list my relationships with God, family, and friends. Then tack on my responsibilities at home and I doubt I will even have time to read other blogs! Life will be busy but I feel blessed and I have much to look forward to.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Muddy Fun

I actually think these pictures are pretty self explanatory. They all spell out MAJOR FUN!