Monday, December 29, 2008

I had to post because I was feeling guilty about my neglected blog. If you can hang on though some good things are coming this week! The above picture is one of me and my dad awhile ago...ok, a long time ago! I scanned it recently for one of the projects that will be featured in a post soon...ah, the mystery of it. Any guesses as to what we are up to?

Favorite Quote from yesterday:

Cynthia (my sister): Is it idiot proof?
Mat (our friend): uh...(pause) better let Christina do it.

I laughed so hard!

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Puppy's First Christmas


We got them antlers. Sackett thought he should eat them.

Mom sweet talked him into wearing them. No, seriously she did.

Echo was definitely the best antler wearer.

~Puppy photographer

Monday, December 15, 2008


Experimenting with tripod, camera, snow and Christmas lights.
It was officially cold outside...very cold.

Well, you wouldn't know it by my blogging schedule but this month has not been as busy for me as the last several were. But it is winter and the grey skys do nothing for my energy level...except maybe deplete it . So I am not really focusing on blogging at this time but I have some fun ideas for updates later on..towards the new year.

Did anyone even notice the extreme lack of updating?
