Friday, March 28, 2008

I am a procrstinator

Does anyone else struggle with extreme procrastination? What do you do to combat it? I am "killing" far too much time. There are things that I know need to be done but I just keep putting them off. Kind of like right now...I have a list of things to do and I am writing about procrastination on my blog! Ei yi yi!

~local investigative reporter
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Tori said...

That is something I struggle with too! :-) I tend to put things off and then panic at the last minute when they aren't done....but that doesn't always happen. Sometimes I get things done really early so that the above doesn't happen! ;-)

Anna Joy said...

I am a procrastinator! I always think...Hey, I can do that later! But somehow later never comes! :-D So I just go do it anyways, cause other wise I'll never get it done! :)