Monday, June 30, 2008


This is what the laundry room looked like after the weekend...including Suzanne's return from STEP. Apparently they don't do laundry in Texas. The laundry was caught up on Friday. :)

This is what the clothes line looks like after you sister returns from STEP Advanced.

I was hoping to make these into an essay with victory pictures on the end but alas I spent the evening at the fire dept...mostly, long I didn't quite finish. We shall see what tomorrow brings.

~loving the laundry chore

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Doug and Suzy

I had an engagement photo shoot tonight that was great. I am very pleased with the results and I guess all of that prayer and the hours spent looking at engagement photos on blogs paid off. I had a hard time picking which photos to post, even after just a quick run through.

It was great to meet Doug tonight...and Suzy is absolutely beautiful. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to get to know her a bit over the past several months.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Quite a few of us have been spending a lot of time working out at our new friends new house...did that make any sense?
Anyway, today I was out there for quite some time with my brothers who were working on the fence. I hung out with the girls and cleaned, unpacked canned goods, took the guys drinks, etc. I also borrowed some of Seth's beautiful models for my own portrait practice.

A candid moment.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Quilt

I think I have mentioned in the past how much I enjoy my quilt, it is a great comfort to me. I had always wanted a quilt for my bed but I did not have one until I found this one on the ground at a neighbors rummage sale and bought it for a dollar. To me it appears handmade and the worn spots and stains that came with it (or I added) just speak of time and love. I sometimes wonder at who made it and its history but I will probably never know.

Today when I was contemplating that it was evening again and I had yet to fill my photo assignment I looked over and saw beautiful window light pouring onto my quilt. Unfortunately I was interrupted and did not get back right away.

For several years I fought against the discipline of making my bed every morning. I thought it a pointless exercise and would argue the well-used point of messing it up every night anyway. Then I did it because I had to. But sometimes I would forget. You see, I am not much of a morning person and it is a struggle to get out of bed each morning and be kind to those around me! *I am working on that for sure!* Then I realized through some things I was reading that I should not move away from the bed at all in the morning until it was made. I set out to make this a habit and succeeded well. Every morning when my feet hit the floor I immediately turn around and straighten my sheets and pull my quilt over them to make up my beautiful bed. This habit is now very well ingrained and I am so glad I worked to make it so.
The bed is like an anchor in my room. It can help to make it look clean...or not. In fact, if my room were a disaster area...rarely, these days...the first thing I would do to try and rectify it would be to make my bed. It makes all the difference in the world. Now, after years of laughing at my mother for her obsession in making her bed, I find that I am just like her!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Another self portrait...and an example of what back lighting does in a mirror. Love it!

Dad wanted pictures of this awesome bike for ebay. My attempt at awesome "out of the box" images.

Couldn't go to bed without shooting this darling flower...could I? Nah!

~everyday girl

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

My favorite puppy...

...just don't tell Echo. ;)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!

To my brothers Jon and Josh!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


The job my dad, mom, and brothers have been working on...I just take the pictures, answer the phone, and cart people around! Hopefully they will be able to wrap up the fense and deck tomorrow or the next day.

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