Saturday, June 14, 2008


These pictures are just a smattering grabbed out of the hundreds of images I shot today. Yes, I mostly hung out at the Strawberry Festival working for the paper, attended grad parties and annoyed people with my camera. I do not like to annoy people with my camera, it is just that photos hold great importance to me and I can't understand why we shouldn't cease opportunities to take pictures with those we love.

Ever been to a hula hoop contest?

She is generally quite friendly...

The red and white tent was awesome!

Mom and Dad posed for a couple shots...I am trying to practice portraits but I can't seem to find willing models. Don't they know that people pay for stuff like this?

Big family. Not into a picture. Very small time frame to shoot.
I think I did alright.

First picture she has talked him into in 14 years of marriage. Another very small time frame.

~trying to practice my portraits

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