Thursday, August 7, 2008

Catching up shooting/blogging everyday stride was seriously interrupted and at this point I don't know if it will recover. I have been trying to figure out my life lately and where God is leading me and well...its a lot to absorb.
When talking to someone (not even sure who) they asked me how my summer had been. I said Fabulous, because it has been. Then I paused and said Fast!, because again, it has been. This summer has been absolutely amazing and I have been extremely blessed. Yes, there have been some hard times. Very hard. But there have also been some wonderful experiences that I wouldn't trade for all those hard times.
I have grown so much. I have learned an unbelievable amount. I have truly and honestly lived life to the fullest. A few years ago I wouldn't have ever predicted this is where I would be and how I would be but I love it!
Talking to some other people I said this has been like a "bucket list" summer or something. Now, I have never actually seen that movie but it just feels like I am crossing things off on an imaginary list of things to do before...?
Well, anyway, you hopefully get the point. This weekend will definitely be another all out type of weekends. Tomorrow I need to go into the paper office, order flowers, do a million other "home" things, go to a funeral visitation, attend a wedding and reception with my sister and hopefully get some sleep. Saturday I have a breakfast meeting with some potential photography clients, "home stuff?", work at the farm, and...? Sunday I "think" we might go away to church again and then mom wants to go to a concert at a church nearby. Did you see any room for my nap in there?
Ok, I am bringing this to a close. Since I find it very
difficult to have a blog post without pictures these are some more that I grabbed on the farm a couple of weeks ago. I need to get them printed. YIKES! I am so behind with post processing. :)

~livin' and lovin' life

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