Monday, August 18, 2008

Long Day

Today was super busy for me. Got up early (courtesy of the tones), worked like crazy, and am still up past when I determined to get in bed. I didn't get many things done that were waiting anxiously in the wings with deadlines breathing down my neck, I didn't get my coveted nap, and I let many of my chores and routine slide to accomplish what I could.
The Lord blessed me however and I got a lot of important things done. I didn't cross off an entire list but I can go to bed knowing that I did my best. I am discouraged and exhausted when I look at the week ahead but I know that I need to give my burdens to my Heavenly Father...He will carry them!
One of my biggest projects today was planning for a very important assignment that is on Wednesday. I am nervous and feeling tremendous pressure about it...part of which is due, I am sure to my very weary body. I even wrote about it to one of the yahoo groups to ask them for prayer and advise. I showed them what I did at the last very similar assignment and wanted to know what I could do to make this experience even better. I was so encouraged by the emails I received. Some of them did give me very useful ideas and pointed out things I was forgetting. But some of them said I had done it right the first time. What a blessing.
I also mentioned my nervousness to another photographer friend who told me I would do fine. He was sure of it. Thinking about it later I realized that I am often very...oh what's the word...lacking in confidence concerning my photographic abilities. Sure, I have a lot to learn but the truth is that God has given me talents and gifts making me who I am and He will not just take all of that away during this assignment. I tend to discount what other's say (Grandma, Mom, strangers, etc.) about my photography because I compare myself to others amazing photographers and think I don't measure up. When this friend (thank you very much!) expressed his confidence in my abilities I brushed it off. Then later I understood that he would not lie to me and that I am a competent photographer in my own right.
I am still praying for wisdom, guidance, and perfect exposure but now I have remembered where I have come from and I know that the Lord is working in my life in a mighty way.

~servant of the Lord of Lords

1 comment:

Tori said...

Thank you so much for sharing! I know how it can be to not be confident in your abilities - I struggle with that as well. I have to remind myself that God gave me the talents that I have for a reason, and I need to use them to glorify and edify Him!

You are an excellent photographer - don't underestimate yourself. :-)

"....not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men," Ephesians 6:6-7