God is so wonderful. I actually feel rested for the first time in ages. I do still have a list as long as my arm to try and get done but I am not stressing at this point.
In between customers I actually read this week's Tri-City Record. Isn't it terrible that I don't even read the paper I write for most weeks?! I hate admitting that but most of the time I get to busy and shove it around until there is a newer version.
Everyone loves sunflower pictures. I grabbed a few of these when things got slow because I could still keep an eye on my post...and the money...from the field where these volunteers had sprung up. They are so beautiful.
When those at the barn send people out to pick they sometimes make a big deal about my name and tell the customers to act like they know me so I will be worried about the fact that I don't remember them. Now I know that it is all a joke but it is interesting how jokes translate to people from different countries.
One of my favorite moments today was when a car pulled up holding a Eastern European couple and his parents (who don't speak English). The man said "Christina! Remember us?" I did recognize them so I said "Yeah, you came for cherries didn't you?" The look on their faces...it was great as they said yes and then moved on to what was available in the way of peaches. :) Then the wife had to explain something in another language to the poor parents in the backseat who probably couldn't figure out what in the world was going on.
It is so intriguing to me how different cultures come for different fruit. Many of our customers are from the Chicago Metro area and they come in large groups to u-pic. During cherry time the orchard sounds like the tower of Babel as we are over run with folks from the Eastern European countries. They LOVE cherries. Mostly tart cherries with the pits in them. They make many kinds of liquor. Polish, Russian (I love how they pronounce my name!), Czechs, etc.
Hispanics come for peaches. Today I had caravans of Hispanic families all in search of Baby Golds. They definitely know what they want. I had such fun with those groups. They were great. I really like how they pronounce my name too. Even though they can't always peak the same language as I do...smiles go a long way...I just need to find out which one in the group is the best translator. ;)
I am so amazed at the grace of God. Just a few short years ago I was extremely intimidated by people of different cultures. I got so nervous, scared even when they spoke in their own tongues. I know it sounds awful but I always thought they were talking about me or trying to get away with something. You can feel so small when you are the only one who can't understand what is being said. Now I look forward to seeing those crowds. They are mostly fun-loving people who probably are talking about the crazy girl who runs the u-pic! I have such a new appreciation for culture and a love for people that was never there before.
Christina is such a great name. It is a name that is pronounced the same in so many different languages. I love that they all greet me by name...
I am rambling. Sorry. Goodnight.
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