Sunday, August 31, 2008

Baby Dedication

I am so glad to be back at a church where I can use my photography to bless others. Today I almost left my camera at home, forgetting the baby dedication but I left my bag instead and it worked out that my camera was fine without all that excess gear. :)
I told some of these dear people that I would post a sneak peak for them but I am not very good at just picking one or two images and simply posted almost everything I have.



An adorable cousin

Baby hand inside the hand of a loving aunt.

Toothless brother.

Hope you all enjoy the photos. Thanks for letting me take them!!



Unknown said...

Christina, Great pictures!!!! Thanks for the comment, and glad you enjoy the blog.

Can you email me the picture of Suzy and the family picture. Your picture turned out way better than mine. :O) Thanks, Heather

Tori said...

Beautiful photos! What an adorable baby! What is the name?

Christina said...

The first baby is Cale and the second baby is David.